Issue: BISQ startup problem on slow networks ("3/4" problem)

No problem @ManfredKarrer, it’s my pleasure to help.

I have done more testing on this issue and have found another interesting quirk. It seems that a network degradation during program startup can leave the program in a dead-end state, from which it can never recover on its own, even after full network recovery. The only way to recover is restarting the program.

Here’s the test sequence:

  • like above, start with a working installation
  • close application
  • degrade network: tc qdisc add ...
  • start application
  • wait 3 hours, there should be no progress past step 3/4
  • remove network degradation: tc qdisc del ...
  • wait indefinitely, there will be no progress past step 3/4, even 12 hours later
  • close application
  • restart application without any change to network parameters
  • full startup sequence occurs as expected

Due to time constraints I was only able to do the test once, but it would be interesting to see if other people can reproduce it. If confirmed, then the existence of a dead-end program state might explain some of the other out-of-sync issues reported recently.