EDITED Title: Scammer tries to defame Arbitrator (NOT)

Agreed on all points, but I want to clarify the one above as follows:

the seller has no right to not accept the payment from the buyer, unless the buyer has violated Bisq’s trading protocol.

That is, if a buyer follows the rules and makes no mistakes, their seller has no right to refuse their payment.

If, on the other hand, a buyer makes a mistake or otherwise violates the rules of Bisq’s trading protocol, such as by using an incorrect name, sending the wrong payment amount, sending the payment from the wrong bank, sending the payment in the wrong currency, sending the payment after the trading window has closed, and so on, then the seller does have the right to refuse payment.

The clarification above reflects the way I have actually handled dozens of cases. Furthermore, it cleanly addresses the case at hand: per the language above, @avocado had no right not to accept the buyer’s payment, for the buyer had made no mistake. In no way and at no time is it acceptable for a seller to refuse a buyer’s payment solely on the basis that is in his interest to refuse it. Permitting this sort of behavior would obviously be unfair to buyers and would surely destroy Bisq’s reputation over time.

@ManfredKarrer, @keo, do you agree?

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Thanks for the clarification! Yes the triangular scam protection requires that the buyer uses the correct account data as defined in his Bisq account.

Hi avocado,

I apologise for calling you a liar. I should have kept my cool and simply describe the situation from my side. The problem with missing messages is being addressed by the developers and is already solved to a large extent.
I would like to say that Bisq is a trustless and reputationless system and is thus much harder to protect against scams compared with other systems. It is necessary for arbitrators to be especially careful if there is a mismatch between names and account numbers, since such problems will occur for certain scams. Our number one priority is to make Bisq safe and reliable, even if it takes extra time and effort in arbitration. Fortunately it has turned out that the number of scams (or attempts) on Bisq are exceedingly rare. Bisq works as intended.