I’ve updated this to show last trade price and its current market distance, as well as estimating of offer fees (which I’m still not sure is correct). Anyhow, I pretty much use this in a daily basis to find good offers quickly. Anything with a negative market distance I’m usually buying :). Enjoy:
Hi, I just did not get the same results for the fees. You can put here an offer and how you calculated it?
Payment method: CLEAR_X_CHANGE
Offer ID: twmgd
Amount in BTC: 0.25
Maker fee in BTC: 0.000339
Taker fee in BTC: 0.001110
Price for 1: 4485.75
Maximum: 1121.44
Distance from market: 0.19%
{ “dataMap”: { “dogeTxFee”: 5000000, “dashTxFee”: 50, “btcTxFee”: 60, “ltcTxFee”: 500 }, “bitcoinFeesTs”: 1504451640 }
fee = TX_FEE * 200/100000000. = 0.00012
maker = max(0.0002, 0.002 * amount * math.sqrt(distance)) + fee
max(0.0002, 0.002 * .25 * math.sqrt(.19)) + .00012
taker = max(0.0002, 0.003 * amount) + (3 * fee)
max(0.0002, 0.003 * .25) + (3 * .00012)
Does it look right?
Okay, I was fumbling because I always used the same application result, and I did not take into account that the% distance changed over time. I think it is very well!
This weekend I was trying to figure out a way to get notified when there is a good offer. Sending email or SMS from a script for free is not easy these days.
So I thought, Twitter has an API, and I could subscribe to an account from my phone to get instant notifications. I hacked something up to do just that. Example:
In case anyone is interested, create a Twitter account for this and send me the fields in this config if you want me to post to it :).
Hi Manfred,
I notice this url ( does not seem to work anymore. Is there perhaps a replacement?
Thanks for reporting. Just restarted it. Works again.
Just a note, I’ve setup new URLs for this:
etc. It is also limited to showing only larger offers (like > $200 value).