Timeout error when taking offer

I’m also unable to take offer due to the described error. Tried to take the offer from a >1 year old SEPA account.
Please note that I’m the BTC seller, so I don’t really understand why I should be blocked.

Together with the other problem (see Trade stuck before step 1 - #24 by CBA), bisq is currently unusable for me. :slightly_frowning_face:

Using bisq 1.0.1.
My system info (according to log): os.name=Linux; os.version=4.15.0-39-generic; os.arch=amd64; sun.arch.data.model=64; JRE=10.0.2+13 (Oracle Corporation); JVM=10.0.2+13 (Java HotSpot™ 64-Bit Server VM)