A question about using routing number account with clearxchange and bitsq

So I’m trying to setup ClearXchange with bisq, and when setting up the account on bisq, bisq wants you to confirm that you have a bank account at one of the follow member banks listed below. My question is, what if your ClearXChange account is setup via the routing number option on ClearXchange’s website? Mine isn’t on the list, it’s a local bank. Can I still use Bisq or do I HAVE to have a bank account at either of these banks:

  1. Bank of america
  2. Capital One P2P
  3. Chase QuickPay
  4. FirstBank
  5. Frost Send Money
  6. US bank send money
  7. Wells Fargo.

5 days and no response?

Sorry… You can ask your bank if it works with all of the above in both directions. Our experience is that it mostly does not work.