Hello, how do I add agetron to bisq?
Coin name: Agetron Ticker: AGET Algo: scrypt Number of blocks:https://agetron.com/explorer/ Money supply: 284000000 Block time: 10min Dev Language: c++ Type: POW Source link: GitHub - Creat-coin/AgeTron Rpc port: 12017 p2p port: 22017 Bitcointalk topic: Agetron Crypto Currency Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/Agetron/comments/7jm25t/agetron_crypto_currency/ Github: GitHub - Creat-coin/AgeTron Email: support@agetron.com Website: https://agetron.com Explorer: https://agetron.com/explorer/
Exchange: https://www.outletbit.com/market/85
See here on how to add it
this is all in the message above, existing currency, if you need anything else please specify!
As it says in the document, you need to make a pull request on Github.