An error occurred at task: VerifyPeersAccountAgeWitness

Here is the error message: An error occurred at task: VerifyPeersAccountAgeWitness
The peers trade limit is less than the traded amount.
tradeAmount=0.0822 BTC
Peers trade limit=0.0625 BTC

Now the trade is stuck and my BTC appears to be locked into a trade that will never inititate.

Edit: Here is the trade ID 055636-e08c4f39-0af6-4e85-be2b-1f273a7b9c07-094

I upgraded my wallet and the problem worked itself out. My BTC has also returned to my wallet.

I do however have a separate problem.

Trade ID: 19452

This has an open support ticket that will not close despite being resolved quite a while ago.

Any suggestions?

Try reopening it with cmd+o.