[ANTI] Anti.cash

We are happy to be presented here at a decentralized exchange finally.

ANTI is more than just yet another altcoin. It’s a movement to provide an anti voice for all that are fed up with all the pure greed surrounding the cryptocurrency scene nowadays.

If you want to know more about us, visit out site at http://anti.cash and join us in our struggle to fight the scam going on in the cryptocurrency scene.

Would be cool if you add Bitsquare here: http://anti.cash/exchanges/

I’m on it, but as I want to explain how it works, I also want to make a tutorial video for it.
But it will be added before the beta launch for sure :wink:

Bitsquare has been added to our exchanges page.
Tutorial video will follow after the beta launch.

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Cool thanks! Looking forward to the video!