arbitratorPubKeyRing must no tbe null

The message is indeed “arbitratorPubKeyRing must no tbe null” (instead of “arbitratorPubKeyRing must not be null”).

After accepting an offer, I received this message. Despite the error, the trade was created with all phases in grey:


It seems I will not be able to even open a dispute, so how can I release my coins?

You can open a dispute by pressing ctrl/cmd + o.

When I do that, I get an “Open support ticket” dialog, which has a button “OPEN SUPPORT TICKET”.

When I click the button, I get this dialog:

Please do so. Open an issue on and attach your bisq.log file.

What about my coins? How can I have them back?


I believe your attempt to take the offer wasn’t successful so your funds didn’t ever leave your wallet. You can check if under FUNDS > TRANSACTIONS you’ve had any transactions related to this trade.

You are correct, the funds never left the wallet. However, I have a frozen transaction I cannot remove, which didn’t even reach phase 1 (Wait for blockchain confirmation), while the buyer informed me they have a similar situation, although their transaction reached phase 1.

What should we do?

Make a backup and use the ‘BTC wallet emergency tool’ by pressing ctrl/cmd+e. Verify that the amount you’ll be sending includes the amount reserved. I think that by withdrawing to an used address from the FUNDS > RECEIVE FUNDS it should unlock the Reserved funds.

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