Bisq on Umbrel

I would love to see Bisq1 available on Umbrel OS.

The majority of people running Umbrel servers are hobbyist who want to help Bitcoin by running a full node and Umbrel is an easy barrier to entry to do this. I have mine running on a RPi 5 and was a breeze.

Bisq however is running on my Windows PC and what I hate about it is my bids / offers are only online when that computer is running which isn’t ideal running a whole desktop just for one application to stay online.

I would love to see Bisq on Umbrel one day and I think it would benefit both projects massive supporting on another.

Umbrel is a distribution that maintains its own packages, I don’t expect bisq devs to work for a port there as they are quite busy with other projects.
In any case, Bisq only works on amd64 architecture so it will not run on a raspberry.

You could dedicate a laptop to run umbrel, and then manually install bisq there and access it through xpra, see xpra guide on

Appreciate you taking the time to reply. I am a mere pleb in the grand scheme of things. I was just describing my workflow and the trouble I face, I’d love to run Bisq 24/7 that’s all.