This release is again packed with bug fixes and improvements. We focused in this release especially on improvements for power traders.
- BondsView: Fix sorting of columns: 1, 2
- Fix proof-of-burn signing for password protected wallets
- Improve proof of burn layout
- Improve dust limit error messaging
- OfferBook: Show min-max range for amount and volume
- Fix address validation for whitespace after comma
- Secondary sort order for offer book
- Display “Payment Method” column in Open Offers view
- Fix Trader Chat row selection and unread message count
- More readable tables and lists: Alternate row background colors
- When accepting an offer do not round the BTC amount outside range
- Editing an offer should not allow the BTC amount to be changed
- Display correct trade and tx fees in CSV export
- Fix trade withdraw to external wallet step 4
- Opening a take/create offers closes previously opened tab
- Fix QR code display of offer funding amount:1, 2
- Add memo field to withdrawal transaction
- Switch to more accurate fee estimation endpoint
- Extend FeeRateService to support multiple API endpoints
- Increase BSQ explorer TMPFS allocation to 2GB for growing datastore
- Update IPs and onions for wiz Bitcoin nodes
No assets were added.
Please see the GitHub release notes for more details: