Release notes
This release is packed with new features and improvements:
- Use SegWit addresses to fund and withdraw from your Bisq wallet
NOTE: Although it’s now finally possible to transfer out of Bisq to Bech32 wallets, do not expect any fee savings just yet, because all Bisq trading transactions still happen against P2PKH addresses. This change will be shipped in one of the next releases.
- Startup time reduced further, especially on slow connections
- Improvements in the trade protocol to make trading more reliable
- Bug fixes, bug fixes, bug fixes…
- Improve wording: 1, 2
- Show info popup if Bisq started under Qubes OS
- Remove short cut info for removed key handlers
- Show if seller has XMR autoconfirmation enabled: 1, 2
- XMR autoconfirmation should get amount from trade not offer
- Reactivate confirm button again in specific cases
- Display the calculated security deposit at each order entry
- Fund/Withdraw BTC from/to SegWit addresses
- Set memo to transaction after transaction creation and not on broadcast success
- Fix bug with wallet seed restore and open offers
- New trade statistics
- Remove address prefix for mailbox messages
- Trade protocol improvements: 1, 2
- Upgrade to bitcoinj 0.15.8
- Fix bug with missing remove of old filter when new filter is added
- Do not log full filter object in case of an invalid Filter
- Setting jvm option
- Add flags to header to signal which dev setup is used
No new assets.