This is a hotfix that fixes a startup issue with limit offers.
Here are the release notes from v1.5.5:
Release notes
ATTENTION: This release changes the trade protocol.
DO NOT specify trade ID or any other value in the ‘reason for payment’ field.
If it is mandatory for your payment service add a dash character (’-’) or coordinate with your counterparty over trader chat to agree on a reason for payment.
This change reduces the chances that certain payment accounts get flagged.
Please see Add option to make trade 'reason' less obvious · Issue #2869 · bisq-network/bisq · GitHub for more details on this change.
This release introduces the option to create limit offers to be able to deactivate an offer if a certain price limit is reached. It also introduces cash-by-mail as a new payment method. In addition to multiple minor UI changes, we squashed lots of bugs and improved reliability and performance of the app across the board.
- Add CSV export to BSQ transaction view
- Move BSQ price in USD at first row
- Add indication of last GH CR issue
- Fix request amount bounds in ReimbursementValidator
- Add toggle for displaying volume in trade statistics chart in USD
- Add toggle for hiding not takable offers
- Add a ‘payment method details’ screen
- Improve trade fee display at create and take offer screens and popups
- Disable CPU-intensive animations
- Improve popup text in case a local node is detected
- Keep main navigation items left aligned
- Reword “trade started” popup messages per suggestion
- Update translations and fix a broken German translation
- Show stacktrace in error popup at view exceptions
- Fix missing apostrophe in Withdrawal view
- Remove redundant popup when cancelling an offer
- Change rule for ‘reason for payment’ field to not use trade ID but leave it empty
- Deactivate open offer if trigger price is reached
- Add payment method “Cash by mail”
- Change trade period for TransferWise from 1 day to 4 days
- Add option to hide non supported payment methods
- Select show-all currencies if TransferWise is selected
- Show a confirmation of successfully sending BTC or BSQ from wallet
- Improve path text on wallet info screen
- Fix broken
startup option
- Persist and republish mailbox messages
- Request only non-seed nodes if no seed nodes are available
- Access concrete data stores
- Improve offer publishing
- Improve getBlocks request handling
- Improve CleanupMailboxMessages
- Fix premature disconnections from seeds
- Persist failed attempts of decrypting mailbox messages
- Cache signature verification results
- Cache results in account witness domain
- Add 4 old v2 seed nodes
- Add option to prevent periodic shutdown for seed nodes
- Add filter support on network level
- Improve cleanup tor dir at seeds
- Avoid resync from genesis in case of dao state issues
- Update inventory code
- Add new api methods ‘getmyoffers’ and ‘getmyoffer’
- Add new api method ‘sendbtc’
- Add new api method ‘gettransaction’
- Add optional txFeeRate parameter to api ‘sendbsq’
- Support tx memo field for btc withdrawals from api
- Add protection tools
- Integrate new protection tools into api’s offer & trade services
- Prevent excessive api calls
- Use posix-style CLI opts, provide method help
- Add api trade simulation scripts
- Pass hash to bitcoind blocknotify script
- Stub out support for OpenOffer’s triggerPrice in api
- Use Bisq’s UserThread.executor in gRPC server
No new assets.