This is a hotfix release that fixes an issue with SPV resync introduced in v1.6.0 and fixes a minor bug in the portfolio view when price nodes aren’t available.
For more details please see v1.6.2 Milestone · GitHub
Here are the release notes from v1.6.0:
Release notes
This release ships the official beta release for the Bisq API! It has been tested on mainnet, but is still in beta, so please be careful.
Other highlights: absolute minimum deposits have now been lowered from 0.006 BTC to 0.001 BTC. Maker and taker fee transactions are now verified via to reduce trade issues, and mediation and arbitration were improved as well. And as always, there are many bug fixes and refinements.
Also important: this release ships part of 1 of 2 for BSQ SegWit implementation. It prepares the network for handling SegWit BSQ transactions (activation block is 680300, around 2021/04/25 – all full nodes should update to 1.6.0+ before that time). Shortly after this activation point, the wallet code (Wallet changes for Segwit BSQ implementation by stejbac · Pull Request #5109 · bisq-network/bisq · GitHub) will be merged into master for testing so that the full BSQ SegWit update is shipped in the following release.
- Update commands for mediator/refund agent registration
- Fix copy of BankName value + BranchId/BankId
- Changes “Verify result” to “Check signature”
- Fix dark mode readability of specific texts
- Fix Set Password text button
- Fix key shortcut documentation when using CMD+Y
- Replace Slack with Keybase
- Fix opening of proposal links in DAO on Windows
- Fix length check text on manual payout tool
- Fix ClassCastError in portfolio history summary popup
- Lower min deposit to 0.001 BTC
- Add pop-up warning for trading with risky payment methods
- Verify maker & taker fee transactions via Mempool lookup
- Allow default fee values in leniency checks
- Fee validation leniency using old DAO param values
- Improve portfolio history
- Add NGN as a default currency
- Add pay from BSQ wallet button
- Prevent trading when not connected to the Bitcoin network
- Fix Multiple Warnings on Enable All Offers
- Improve chat functionality of mediation/arbitration: 1, 2
- Improve mediation tools / logging
- Add long running api tests
- Improve takeoffer error handing
- Disambiguate payment acct json form’s “country” field
- Improve apitest docs
- Document test harness dispute agent registration
- Avoid null pointer exception due to null fee while wrapping tx in TxInfo
- Prevent creation of new offers with incompatible payment accounts
- Fix CLI number opt validation, improve server-not-up msg
- Fix call rate metering interceptor bug
- Fix API startup’s wallet.init failure when wallet is encrypted
- Improve gRPC server error logging
- Display buyer’s cost in api’s gettrade output
- Refactor apitest cases to use GrpcClient
- Refactor grpc stub boilerplate from CliMain to GrpcClient
- Adjust api to new minimum fee per vbyte
- Add CLI testing bot to :apitest
No new assets.