BSQ Wallet unconfirmed change outputs


I did a few BSQ Swap trades and everything appeared ok, the BTC turned up in my wallet. However, now I have most of my BSQ showing in the Balance of unconfirmed change outputs (screenshot attached) and I cannot spend them anymore. All of the transactions in my BSQ wallet look fine and everything shows as confirmed.

I have researched all topics I can find similar to this and I have tried things like the SPV resync and rebuilding the DAO but nothing is working. My wallet took 24 hours to do the SPV resync. The last transaction was 7 days ago now.

Please can anyone offer me advice on what to do to recover my BSQ balance?

Thanks for your help

They are unconfirmed as the BSQ has been sent to you but you have not received it yet. It most likely indicates the BSQ swap is pending confirmation.

You can check the BSQ swap transactions on a blockchain explorer. If they are unconfirmed that is why they are showing as unconfirmed change outputs.

You do not need to do anything once the transactions confirm they turn from unconfirmed change outputs into verified utxos.

Thanks darawheelan, how long could it take? 7 days feels like something else is wrong??

I checked all the BSQ swap transactions listed in my Bisq wallet and they all show confirmed?

try to delete the UnconfirmedBsqChangeOutputList in db folder of data directory then, and restart bisq

thanks suddenwhipvapor, that’s sorted the problem!