BSQ wallet

Ballance of my BSQ wallet is:

Why I cannot use for buy BTC fees? It happend third time, first when I buy some BSQ, I did some transactions but after some transactions told me BISQ app, you have not enough BSQ.

So I bought next one, ballance should be 252 BSQ.

How to recover BSQ wallet please?

I tried already rebuild DAO from resources and from genesis TX and not help me …

Hi @Marekemil thanks for the message.

Is your DAO synced (if you go to DAO > Network Monitor, what does it say in the status)?
Are you able to send BSQ?
Has anything changed recently that made you unable to use BSQ?


when I did upgrade of BISQ status is ZERRO, I don’t understand. I top up more then 400euros… and used minimum for fees.

Before upgrade it was possible some to send it.
Processing: BSQ_transactions.csv…

I will send you CSC file screenshot:

Thanks for the update. Please can you send me your logs in Keybase? My username there is: pazza