BTC-EUR weird exchange rate


today the btc-usd is at almot 29’000, and the btc-eur is at 27’000 in Kraken, Bitstamp and other exchanges.
However in Bisq the btc-eur is at 24’600 … see screenshot, while the btc-usd is normal.
Is it weird? is my Bisq that isn’t well syncronize?

I had the same problem yesterday and it cost me a lot of money. Good for the takers and bad for the makers. I sold Bitcoin automatically under market price!

But how is this possible? The BTC price was around 24.500,- EUR. This is a very big bug and a huge blow to trust in this platform.

I think Bisq pulls the price from BitcoinAverage | Cryptocurrency Marketcap & Exchange Rates but that data is down? Not sure. Can’t do trades until this is resolved. I’ve also seen it swing the other way though. BTC/EUR 28000 when Kraken was 27000.

It’s not stable in any way

I will also no longer be trading with Bisq until the issue is clearly resolved. The risk of losing a lot of money is too big for me.

Huobi price is around 24000 eur/btc now, and Bisq feed comes from a weighted mean where huobi is included.

Bisq is removing this exchange, currently 3 out of 5 nodes are updated.


houbi price is 15500 btc/eur
this exchange went nuts …

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This problem has currently been solved, all the pricenodes are now ignoring Huobi as price source