BTC Seller Doesn't Release

When a BTC Seller doesn’t release the btc after being paid and the 24hrs expires and it goes into arbitration how long does it take to resolve this?

So far I’ve been waiting over 48 hours since the trade ended and it looks like I have ANOTHER trade that might be heading the same way.

Will it be days more / weeks more before I get my BTC unlocked?

Will I get the security deposit considering they violated the trading rules?

What happens if they never respond? Is there a maximum time period that they get to respond?

Usually arbitrators answer in 24 hours after the arbitration is opened.

However, due to the running scam events, see URGENT: Certain banks banned until further notice, arbitrators are more busy than usually, and there may be more delay.
Also, are you doing a fiat trade or an altcoin trade ? If you’re doing a fiat trade from a bank used by the scammer, your counter-party may be afraid of that and reluctant to release its BTC.

What’s the onion of your arbitrator for this trade ?

@keo is my arbitrator. It’s Monero. keo has responded that he will ask the BTC seller if they received the XMR but that was days ago. I’m a bit unsure as to why that’s needed because I’ve provided XMR proof. Just trying to work out how long I’ll realistically be without my BTC. Apart from these last 2 trades Bisq has been awesome to me - about 20 other trades have gone through with absolutely no problems.

Thanks for your help.

I’ve experience this many times. Worst case usually goes - 24 hours for arbitrator to get your message, 2 days to wait for a response, and then 24 for arbitrator to come online again and message you for a total of 4 days. In rare cases arbitrator might be busy with life, or scams like right now and so on but 4 days is a good realistic worst case time frame for ya

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