Bug if you press "payment started" and then loose connection

Dear Friends,

Just reporting a bug that happen to me today. I have paid (with a bank transfer) for an offer then I clicked in “Payment started”. At this moment I also lost my internet connection, then this action failed.

The problem is, now the “Payment started” button is grayed out and I already paid for the bitcoins I bought. An arbitrator is taking care of the case.

I’m reporting this because it is a bug, in the case of no connection I should be able to try again latter. At this moment I have a failed trade and already paid for the bitcoins as well as for the security deposit.

I hope the arbitrator can fix this soon. Offer id is wxaqkpfg-32f863b9-691b-453c-8f84-a89e5ee41313-061

Have you tried to restart? It should become active again at restart. But might be a bug. Has you opened a dispute? If no try that with cmd+o.

Yes, I restarted the program multiple times. When I restart I get multiple messages saying “Warning: You have locked up funds from a failed trade…” I already opened a ‘Trader’s support ticket’ and the arbitrators said he/she would contact the other part to confirm the payment. I sent a screenshot of the transfer I made in the chat.

Hopefully tomorrow the arbitrator will answer.

Arbitrator has closed the trade normally and I received the Bitcoin amount I was suppose to receive. Everything went fine!