Bug in "Deposit funds" tab (v0.4.9.9)

I think I found a bug while transfering to my bitsquare wallet some BTC I bought elsewhere.

In the bitsquare app I went to Funds > Deposit funds where I have the list of all addresses that have been generated. Lets say there are 18 addresses (I think thats the right number).

First, I noticed that all the addresses I had previously used showed a balance of 0 btc.

The topmost address (lets say thats address 18, the newest) was selected, but I clicked select for redundancy. When I did that I noticed that the address in the “Fund Your Wallet” section became different from the address I had selected on the list. Then I selected address 17, and the address in “Fund your wallet” changed again, but it was also different from the address 17 that I could see on the list.

But I went ahead and used it anyway. When the bitcoins arrived, they were added to the total at the top (Available Balance). But the numbers on the list did something curious.

Address 17 showed the added bitcoins in the Balance, but said nothing about the confirmations. I looked further down the list and saw that address 2 and address 6 (I realized this was the address I had copied) also showed the new bitcoins in the balance. Address 2 didn’t say anything new about confirmations (it showed the confirmations that had been done on the previous transaction for which I had used that address) and address 6 showed the correct confirmations information.

After a few minutes I got some more bitcoins to transfer to my bitsquare wallet. Same situation when selecting an address to use. But when I received the btc, the new bitcoins got added to the balance on the addresses I mentioned on the previous parragraph (but not to the address that I had actually used).

I went to the transactions tab to confirm that the information showed here was correct. When I changed back to deposit funds tab, ALL the balances on the list were set to 0. After a couple more minutes I changed to “transactions” tab and back again to the “deposit funds” tab and saw: first transaction balance showing in addresses 14 and 6, and second transaction balance showing in addresses 13 and 3.

If there is any more info needed for debugging, let me know and I will try to provide it. (@ManfredKarrer)

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Thanks for your report. If you did not had a crash causing that behavior it seems that the list does nto get updated correctly when scrolling. Will check that. If you make the window larger so that no scrolling happens, this chaotic behavior will be probably disappear. So the list cells are just not updated correctly when scrolling (my assumption, but will have a look…)

Just checked and could reproduce it. seems the select button is out of sync. when u select the row u get the correct address displayed. after screen change the balance is also correct. will fix that…

Fixed for the next release. Thanks for your detailed report!

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