Chase QuickPay USA

chase quickpay is an email transfer that requires nothing more than a name and email to send a transfer to someone else that has a chase account.

You can use Chase QuickPay to send and receive money at no charge.

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forgot to mention that clearxchange is not the same system as quickpay but chase does support clearxchange to transfer to other banks that are enrolled in the clearxchange system

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yes, would love to see chase quick pay. clearexchange is not always instant. sometimes it takes up to 3 business days.

So, this only works within Chase system? What a useless idea.

yes unfortunately us banks aren’t as friendly as Canadian banks when it comes to having a uniformed interact platform across all banks but chase does hold a large market share in USA

Chase offers more than 5,100 branches and 16,100 ATM’s nationwide.


chase is huge in cali and nyc

38.8 million (2014) + 19.75 million (2014) = alot more than Australian population

you can see the demo of the quickpay here -

It’s not about population, it’s about interest. Currently there have been almost no trades in USD anywhere. AUD is outstripping that right now.

As for NYC we’d need a licence for anyone to use the program there.

We are badly in need for better payment methods for US as the banks are so crap there. So I very welcome the contribution of @ateoffofbitcoin. I will check it and see if I can squeeze it into the next release.

It is not useless, Chase is a huge bank and we can serve many potential users with that.

So email and name are the only data needed, right?

Is the payment instant or same day?

email and name only yes

payment is fairly instant never seen anything take more than 3 hours also

Are there any info out regarding chargeback risk?

there is risk in this using chase quick payment,There has already been users that posted stories of chargebacks from accounts that were stolen. guess its not a great method without any type of rating system

How do u estimate the chargeback risk in relation to normal national bank transfer and to Paypal? Paypal is a no-go for us as it is way too easy to do chargeback. If QuickPay would be similar we cannot support it.

So the chargebacks was then connected with stolen accounts but its not easy to chargeback without strong reason (like in Paypal), right?

chargebacks can happen with a stolen account but here is the service agreement directly from chase

“As a recipient or sender of any transfer using the Chase QuickPay
Service, you acknowledge and agree that, we may delay or cancel a
request to transfer money and/or charge back the amount of such transfer
to the Pay From Account or other account as we determine in our
discretion or claim a refund from you for such amount for various
reasons including fraud, duplicate payment, incorrect amount or
incorrect recipient.”
