Closed Bisq Application & Lost Open Trade


thanks for the help again. I am pretty sure, that it was exactly because of what Manfred said. I updated the software, while my firewall was containing bisq and I realized it only after accepting the trade. That was surely the problem and is also on me.

Unfortunately I don’t have any other trade data. The tx ID and the makers onion number is the only thing I could find out.
I also just resynced my SPV, but the order is still missing.

I am happy to take that trade, if there is any possibility to retrieve. I also just opened another trade with the same seller. Maybe there is a way to communicate with him through this means?

If there is no way I can pay my missing trade, I am also willing to go through the steps for a manual payout with @keo.

Please tell me, what you need from me and how we will go on from here and I will act as soon as I’m back home later.

Thank you very much!

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