opened 02:12PM - 22 May 20 UTC
closed 08:50PM - 12 Dec 20 UTC
SUPPORT REQUESTS: This is for reporting bugs in the Bisq app.
If yo… u have a support request, please join #support on Bisq's
Keybase team at
### Description
Bisq is unable to connect to the network
#### Version
bisq 64bit 1.3.4
### Steps to reproduce
### Expected behaviour
### Actual behaviour
not connection
### Screenshots

#### Device or machine
Positivo tecnologia S.A.
Inter Core i7-7500U CPU 2.7GHz
4 GB
Windows 10 64bits
#### Additional info
The bisq worked normally on my notebook, now it is showing this error of connection of the wallet with the bitcoin network.
I already opened a topic on github support, but no one answered.
Hey I replied to your thread on Github