January 31, 2022, 6:51pm
How will this new feature Data Privacy described here Draft:Data Privacy - Bisq Wiki be activated for existing wallets? Will it be activated per default or do the users have to activated it themselves?
Twenty days seems to be short in my opinion and I would like to prevent the situation that my old trades will be cleared at the moment I start the new version containing this feature for the first time…
User activated & user configurable.
← jmacxx:5396_privacy_enhancement
opened 06:29AM - 28 Jan 22 UTC
- Removes sensitive payment account information and trader chat messages from cl… osed trades and disputes.
- User can specify in preferences how long to wait before the information is removed, defaults to 20 days.
- The feature is enabled after the user clicks `I UNDERSTAND` shown in the dialog below.
Closes #5396
### Screenshots:
**The highlighted payment account details get removed:**
**Trade contract showing payment account information removed.**
### Invocation:
The list of closed trades need to be occasionally evaluated to see if any are eligible for having their sensitive data cleared. This is primarily done at app initialization, but also is done periodically whenever a trade is added to the list shown in portfolio history. That is to handle the case of clients which do not restart daily.
Likewise, the list of dispute tickets is evaluated at initialization and also whenever a dispute ticket closed message is processed.
Whenever the evaluation is done, the following log messages are written:
INFO b.c.t.ClosedTradableManager: checking closed trades eligibility for having sensitive data cleared
INFO b.c.s.dispute.DisputeManager: ArbitrationManager checking closed disputes eligibility for having sensitive data cleared
INFO b.c.s.dispute.DisputeManager: MediationManager checking closed disputes eligibility for having sensitive data cleared
INFO b.c.s.dispute.DisputeManager: RefundManager checking closed disputes eligibility for having sensitive data cleared
If any actions are taken, they are logged, for example:
INFO b.c.trade.model.bisq_v1.Trade: cleared sensitive data from contract;contractAsJson; of trade rfvUYPIx
INFO b.core.support.dispute.Dispute: cleared sensitive data from chat messages; of dispute for trade IOAMZBWH