hello, I have this problem, the application gets there and then closes, what is this? Thank you
Looking at the log files is your best bet. Look for the last lines if there are some errors. You can post them here so we can look into it.
Which Bisq version do you use ? v0.9.3 ?
You don’t go further on than step 1/4 ?
Do you have an AV running ? if yes which one ?
And as says Alex, the log file may help.
hello, I apologize for the delay in responding I did not see the notification, I saw that now there is a new version, but now I have this problem
Any errors in the bisq.log file?
Log file should be in C:\Documents and Settings\username\AppData\Roaming\Bisq.
This is a known issue. See https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/issues/2398