Dispute ticket closed, but deposit money still locked

Due to making a badly timed trade (right before christmas, so bank did not handle the payment for several days) the time ran out and my trading peer opened a dispute ticket. Though, the same day, the money was transferred and the ticket was closed. This all happened before I had seen anything, so did not have the time to reply. This was on december 27th and my multisig deposit is still in locked funds. Do I just have to wait longer or is something wrong?

You can check with a block explorer if your BTC are still in a mulisig or not. If they are you should contact the arbitrator here.

Just search the onion address for your arbitrator on the forum and you will find who it belongs to so you can PM them your trade ID and explain the issue.

Thank you for your reply. However, I can’t seem to find who the arbitrator for this dispute is… All I see is messages with timestamps, not who they are from… How do I know who the arbitrator is?

These are the messages recieved

“Payment received by the seller. I will close.”

"Ticket closed on Dec 27, 2018 12:43:40 PM

BTC buyer/Taker delivered tamper proof evidence: No
BTC buyer/Taker did ID verification: No
BTC buyer/Taker did screencast or video: No
Payout amount for BTC buyer: 0.0693 BTC
Payout amount for BTC seller: 0.0030 BTC

Summary notes:
Late payment."

Select > Details on the support page and you will find: Selected arbitrator onion address