Do I get my Bitcoin back if transaction failed to go through and how?

Do I get my Bitcoin back if transaction failed to go through and how?

It depends on the reason of the failure. If you did nothing wrong, you will get your Bitcoin back.
When a trade fails, a dispute button pops up and by clicking it you get an arbitrator involved that will sort things out.

I sent it to my other wallet but it’s still unconfirmed. How do I get it back? Btcoin core has a -zapwallettxes option but I can’t find it on bisq. heres what it looks like. and this is my bisq wallet address. 1AgsLJCPrJPNpkPXikCuXtW3GMrgK81YbT . and this is my outside wallet i sent to that i would like to cancel the transaction to: 1EVoap3hCo5m9jR8Cypx9uaQs1Z4Y9MTfc. this is the transaction id: 3a112412f2fe9520bc4a6fd4d1bc2fc3a7c2a0673047179a5699af2fe992035b

Ok, so this was a withdrawal transaction from Bisq to your external wallet.
What was the mining fee that you set?

It seems like I can’t find that transaction in the block explorer.
You should try using the emergency wallet tool by pressing cmd+e.

Ah its ok I restored my wallet and my coins appeared. Thank you

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