I have a question regarding donations…
Is it possible to receive BTC through donation? Such as the example below:
Person A: "Hey! you should get into BTC n Block chain it’s mighty cool!"
Person B: "Oh! I’ve been looking into it, but I’m not having much success turning fiat into currencies. Do you recommend a way to ‘Buy In’?"
Person A: "I would recommend Coinbase, and since your my friend I’ll throw you some coins to help get you started! What’s your wallet address?"
Person B: "Bisq… and its this."
Person A: "Coolio you should have it shortly."
Person B: “Thanks bud”
The event of someone freely giving BTC away is unlikely, but if it did happen would we have to accept it like its a trade on the network, and pay the security deposit fee while we wait for the funds to arrive?
Thank you for your time.
Biznu Fish