We are two with the same problem now.
I have tried:
Delete outdated Tor files
Don’t use bridges
Enter custom bridges
Not sure if matters, but I’m using an institutional network (university) and this is Mac Air managed by the IT team. I’ve downloaded the Tor browser, to see if that help (I’m in the dark here, this is not my computers and coding are not my field of knowledge).
Here is part of my log file, in the case is useful
Dec-01 20:19:57.336 [main] INFO b.c.s.CoreSetup:
Log files under: /Users/mazorzoli/Library/Application Support/Bisq/bisq
Dec-01 20:19:57.360 [main] INFO b.c.u.Utilities: System info: os.name=Mac OS X; os.version=10.12.6; os.arch=x86_64; sun.arch.data.model=64; JRE=10.0.1+10 (Oracle Corporation); JVM=10.0.1+10 (Java HotSpot™ 64-Bit Server VM)
Dec-01 20:19:57.447 [main] INFO b.c.s.CoreNetworkCapabilities: Set Capability.RECEIVE_BSQ_BLOCK
Dec-01 20:19:57.612 [main] INFO b.c.app.Version: Version{VERSION=1.2.3, P2P_NETWORK_VERSION=1, LOCAL_DB_VERSION=1, TRADE_PROTOCOL_VERSION=2, BASE_CURRENCY_NETWORK=0, getP2PNetworkId()=10}
Dec-01 20:19:57.613 [main] INFO b.c.s.CoreSetup: Path to Bisq jar file: /Applications/Bisq.app/Contents/Java/Bisq-1.2.3.jar
Dec-01 20:19:59.625 [JavaFX Application Thread] INFO b.n.p.n.ConnectionConfig: ConnectionConfig{