Failed trades with v1.3 and v1.3.1, Bisq keeps money

I’ve traded extensively in the past via Bisq with no issues. With this v1.3 and v1.3.1 I’ve already had a few failed trades. Some are stating this will be addressed in an update; thats fine but Bisq has still kept my maker and tx fees. I don’t mind paying these fees if a trade is actually successful, but due to these poor updates I’m paying fees for non-existent and doomed trades

I’ve had a few of these in the past before these issues, and yeah you do lose fees if you’re the offer maker. You can apply for compensation in these situations. If the takers deposit tx went through technically the trade is in process, so double check that.

Thanks for the response. There is no checkmark next to taker’s transaction. The trades are under the failed tab

Yeah seems as though your trades just failed. The devs are working on an update which should unfail the trades. However, if that were to not solve your problem you can submit a proposal ofr fee reimbursements to the DAO.

Here’s a link to the reimbursement template on Github: