General observation - successful trades, but

I have had several successful transactions already. The trades went without issues, using different methods of payments, and traders were so far good (great communication, when required). I definitely like the app and find it easier to use than LBC! I also think that rules are better than LBC. - In LBC, I had one trade were seller posts a trade but then drastically changes a rules of trade once the trade is initiated.

Thanks for the app!

One observation though: I found Bisq stable when trading before 3pm CT. However, after that time, I used Bisq twice for trades and in both cases I encountered issues with app. Maybe it’s the traffic, or sth. else?

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It sounds quite odd. Perhaps it is just a coincidence.

It may have to do with expired trade offers, where such expiry has not been published soon enough on Bisq front end, which results in buyer taking the offer than doesn’t exist any longer.