How can I launch Bisq on Linux

Edit: Solution - run /opt/Bisq/Bisq from the terminal. Thanks @Homard

Kind of a Linux noob here. So I downloaded the .deb file for my ubuntu and installed it. Now I do not know how to open it. I would press the “windows” button on my keyboard and type bisq, but this does not work as I am connected via VNC.

I have several folders (example the .local/share/BISQ) but I do not find anything to launch.

Can somebody help?

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Open a terminal (it’s in Application/System tools), and type Bisq.

Or, in Applications/Others, you should find the Bisq appli.
Just click on it.

Command not found

When I go to “Ubuntu Softwares” under “installed” I find “bisq” but I can only remove it

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Try /opt/Bisq/Bisq in the terminal.
It is where the executable is, at least on my Debian.

EDIT2: I uninstalled the package and installed it again. Now it works :slight_smile: Thanks!

With all the installation and uninstallation of the Bisq via .deb or “ubuntu softwares” (which is I think community updated), I have a lot of folders lying around. I wanted to delete everything except the current version.

Where is the Account information with running trades etc. stored? I want to delete everything except the current version and the folder with all the wallet / trade info

On Linux, Bisq account informations is stored under ./local/share/Bisq.
Please be careful, your wallets are in this directory.
So don’t delete it !

When you install Bisq, it installs over the old version.
So, normally you should have nothing to delete.

You have 2 machines if I understand well ?

Ok thanks! Yes, I got a linux laptop and a linux server in my home. Since BISQ needs to be up all the time I run it over my server machine

Take care not to launch simultaneously both Bisq applis with the same account.
Otherwise there will likely be a mess.

yes, will only run it on one machine! Unfortunately it seems that the workload is rather high of Bisq and my little server (i7 8gb RAM) uses the fan pretty intensely rather often - might not be willing to run Bisq 24/7

If you didn’t launch Bisq since some time, then it will need also some time to sync.
Especially now than the DAO exists also, and involves also its own sync.
So your CPU and fan will turn a bit. That’s normal.
Once this is done, it will be more calm.

PS: you only need to have Bisq always running if you’re a maker and want your offers to be published.
If you are just a taker, verifying things from time to time is enough.

Is there somewhere a good explanation how to install Bisq on Linux ?

I am a new user of Linux and still it is not easy for me to download a file when there is no commands for terminal to copy and paste or app packages like Flatpack or AppImage .

Is Bisq should be downloaded via Tor Browser as it is suggested here ? :

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Is there somewhere a good explanation how to install Bisq on Linux ?

I am a new user of Linux and still it is not easy for me to download a file when there is no commands for terminal to copy and paste or app packages like Flatpack or AppImage .

You don’t need to use tor to download Bisq, but it’s better for privacy.

You need to install .deb archive. You can download and install it using your software manager in a few clicks after double clicking on its icon. The square shows the file you need to download from Releases · bisq-network/bisq · GitHub

The red line shows the file that you will need to verify the download, meaning that it has been signed by a bisq developer. That is optional but safer, and the more important as more funds are being handled by Bisq software.

If you want to try installing bisq from the terminal, which once known is more handy, open terminal with ctrl+T and paste:

cd Downloads Downloads folder is the default folder for the .deb file that you must have downloaded from github or bisq downloads page.
sudo dpkg -i Bisq-64bit-1.9.19.deb After inserting your system’s password, it will install Bisq. You need to do the same to update Bisq.

You have more detailed info at Downloading and installing - Bisq Wiki but this two commands or using the software manager will probably be enough.

To verify Bisq download, usually the more difficult part is downloading signatures, I think it’s well explained in the wiki. I prefer to do gpg --verify Bisq-64bit-1.9.19.deb.
Previously, you need to have imported developers key, downloaded .deb.asc file to Downloads and direct to that folder with cd Downloads.

After I open the above web page I can not see the Assets ? :

You need to scroll down, after “contributors” section. Maybe it’s not displayed.

You can also download bisq on downloads section.

GitHub web page opens in my browser different way . It is not there.
I have found it on

It is already downladed.
The public key I add to terminal the same way like the bisq actual file , right ?
After the bisq actual app file is installed in terminal I do the same process with a public key ,right ?

As they have replied, you’re confusing bisq 1 and 2.
You can use both in parallel, they have different features.

I need to bye a Bitcoin without KYC .
Which version will be then appropriate ?

If you already have btc, use bisq 1. If you don’t, use bisq 2.