How do I fund my Bisq wallet with Zelle or Postal Order?


I set up a Bisq account and want to fund it with USD. I see that Zelle and US Postal are the two ways to do it with USD. I am trying to use a laptop, rather than smartphone, to fund my wallet. How do I do this? I have everything set up for Zelle, but it is not clear to me how to proceed.

Secondly, do I use Zelle to transfer the money directly to the person I would buy BTC from, or do I use Zelle to fund my wallet, and then use the money from that wallet to buy BTC directly on bisq?

Any help on this matter regarding how to get started would be greatly appreciated!


Bisq is a peer to peer exchange.
You first have to initiate a transaction first. Then your peer (other guy) will give you his Zelle account number.
Bisq is,'t holding your fiat money only BTC.
