How to add altcoin Makerdao/DAI?


I would like to trade in DAI but DAI does not show in the altcoin dropdown list in Accounts of V1.1.1. So I am unable to create a DAI account.


Go to Settings and on the right side you can select it from the “Add altcoin” drop-down-menu.

What wallet do you use for DAI?

On my Bisq appli v1.1.1, I don’t see DAI anymore.
Neither on the altcoins list, nor on the add altcoins list.
This smells delisting.

I’m also running v.1.1.1 and it’s still there for me as Dai Stablecoin (DAI)

If you added it already before delisting, then you still see it.
It’s a little bug.

Looks like it’s delisted due to inactivity. To list it again someone needs to pay the listing fee under the Asset Listing Fee tab. Minimum is 30 days, 1 BSQ per day. If there is sufficient activity in the future it will then stay active, but if there isn’t enough activity it will delist again.

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