How to add JavaFX to build Bisq2?

I’m trying to build Bisq2 because I have no BTC. Bisq-easy in Bisq2, according to the wiki, is how people buy their initial BTC to use as deposits. The git just says “Bisq requires JavaFX to be installed” and links to the OpenJFX page, which lists various modular and non-modular installation methods. I neither know which to choose nor how to make it work with the build. I assume OpenJavaFX isn’t included in the Bisq2 build package like Gradle is because which SDK is needed depends on system architecture.

I installed Javac 17.0.12 and downloaded the OpenJFX 22.0.2 SDK, but I couldn’t find any information about where to put the OpenJFX SDK so that it can be used by applications that use JDK, such as Bisq2. The OpenJFX page describes how to make helloworld projects, but I assume it would have to be used with the Bisq2 project. It has instructions for Gradle builds of JavaFX, but bisq2 has its own Gradle plugin that’s used for ./gradlew. Since the git says Gradle on the OS isn’t required, I assume other ways of adding JavaFX are typically used to build Bisq2. I installed the Bellsoft JDK 17.0.12, which has JavaFX, but I’m getting the same build errors, as if the build doesn’t have access to it.

I’d love to help you, but I forgot what I exactly did when I did it, I only know I started from here bisq2/docs/dev/ at main · bisq-network/bisq2 · GitHub and then went from there… I recall having done something convoluted with a javafx package but memory is completely clouded.

I found the “Releases” page and then realized that a link to them was on the right side of the git page. I usually read the readme for instructions and in this case there was no mention of the releases there or in the wiki. I started up Bisq2 from a release package and it appears to be working fine. Hopefully this topic will help someone else who didn’t notice it.

ah well, that went easier than expected, I guessed you wanted to specifically build Bisq2, for reasons :slight_smile: