How to add your favorite altcoin?

Hello, can you list our coin?

Mining algo has been updated to lyra2m, taking the hashing power away from farms and giving it back to average users.

Mooncoin plans to implement its software into education, social media and, government elections.

Mooncoin has a new team, new developers and an active community in the hundreds working to get to the moon.

Name: Mooncoin
Ticker: Moon
Algorithm: Scrypt
Block number: 1115807
Money supply: 315200000
Minimum commission:1
Block time: 90 seconds
Dev language: C/C++
Type: POW lyra2m
Secp256k1 version: old
Official website: mooncoin dot com
Community website: moonchan (dot) org
Github: github dot com/mooncoindev
Block explorer: moonchain dot net/chain/Mooncoin
Bitcointalk: bitcointalk dot org/index.php?topic=1733963.1120
Twitter: @_mooncoin @ MooncoinItalia @ GetToTheMoon
Discord community: discord dot gg/HqaNe8a
Reddit: /r/moontrader /r/mooncoin
Facebook: Mooncoin
ISO_421730: No conflict
Example address: 2RdfiKTRG717VS6akUVdGJuYvktCTwq5iH

As i said, you need a pull request.

please add Continuumcoin (CTM) to your exchange


SHA256 Proof of Work, based on Bitcoin 0.8.99
30 seconds block target
524,288 (2^19) coins per block, halves every month (86,400 blocks)
Difficulty retargets every hour (120 blocks), with accelerated re-targets at the beginning.
3 confirms per transaction.
Total about 90,600 millions coins (90+ billion coins)
First 120 blocks are valued at 1
Coin will never halve below 1
QR Code Support
Level DB Support
Addresses start with 'C'

Continuumcoin wasn’t working since Cryptsy is down, but now it is being rebuild and it is working again.

Read the requirements please.

  • Ticker symbol (e.g. BTC): Our Ticker Symbol is OHM
  • Official coin name (e.g. Bitcoin): OhmCoin
  • Official altcoin webpage where Bitsquare will be added as official exchange:
  • URL of the block explorer:
  • Example address (e.g. 3MPe1LfMeJvumN7ykswSwkPSoXLbheXnCH): MfZX6MtUgUvadmFRkJGh1ifFpUyca8n3po
  • Confirmation that you have checked that the ticker does not conflict with : Our Ticker does not conflict with the character code

@Tech1337 You need to make a pull request as well on Github.

I am a new coin developer. I’ve developed my ethereum based coin however the symbol I used when I created my coin is already being used by another coin on bitsquare. Can I still submit the coin to Bitsquare or is the symbol hard coded into the coin? Can I just request a different ticker symbol that I would like to use on the bitsquare when I submit my coin, or will there be an issue with my coin since I chose that symbol when the coin was created?

^ pull request on that? OK

@Tech1337 No. Pull request on Bitsquare’s repository for address validation.[quote=“ManfredKarrer, post:1, topic:46”]
Additional new requirement:

  • Pullrequest for the Altcoin address validation (Regex test + checksum test or anything else if there is anything specific) and Unittest for it (use Dev branch NOT master branch for PR).
    Validation class is here.
    Unittest is here.

In case the PR contains major flaws (e.g. the unit test fails, code is not compiling) I will reject the addition and not accept further requests. Unfortunately that happened quite often in the past and I don’t want to spend my limited time to test other developers untested PRs.
Another issue is that many don’t read this requirements and request addition of an altcoin without a PR.
I will ignore such requests in future.

My Github :
État: 21 confirmations, diffusĂ©e Ă  travers 4 nƓuds
Date: 18/06/2017 11:23
À: YiXBV5RNfQ5Ec1dyE7pqGdNiywagKhiq3L
DĂ©bit: -5.0001 YUANC
Frais de transaction: -0.0001 YUANC
Montant net: -5.0002 YUANC
ID de la transaction: be48881f4a3c20723a3916be52390b06304f27d1da912cf91716d3064e167d70
Best regards

You will need to make a pull request on . You can look at this one to get some idea how it should look: (you need to add code to Bitsquare for your coin).

My coder can’t figure it out the pull request setup, I’ve been trying to find someone else who can do it on a programming site and no one has been able to figure out how to do it. Can you recommend where I can look for a coder online (beyond freelancer) or any specific coder that will do it for pay?

1 Like

Post a job request on the forum. there are some devs who can do it.

which section in the forum?

I think #development should be fine.


Validation class is here51.
Unittest is here35.

those links do not work anymore!

my new info :slight_smile:
-New Yuancoin pool (2% fee): (scrypt)
-o stratum+tcp:// -u <WALLET_ADDRESS> -p c=YUANC
Bounty/Donate: YbksmePeRxhVrSoPDTpSRGDLum9saGVRci (YUANC)
Node list:

You will still need that pull request @yuancoin :slight_smile:

snif snif !!!
please help me !!!