I Would like to sell BTC on Bisq but I just can’t afford to get scammed.
It seems like Zelle is the best option I can see for fiat/btc but I have some questions.
How common are chargeback scams with Zelle?
I know it’s safest to only sell to signed accounts but what other steps can I take to make sure I don’t get charged back with Zelle?
THANK YOU so much and if buyer includes something in memo, should it be declined? I read that many put stuff like puppies and car parts to try to get money back.
Examples of penalties for the buyer when using a reference are:
Buyer uses BTC, Bisq, Bitcoin, BTC Tx ID, etc as a payment reference - Buyer loses 25% of of the trade amount. Buyer retains the rest of their security deposit.
Buyer uses unagreed potentially concerning payment reference that such as ‘payment for services’, ‘house rewire’, ‘consultancy’ - Buyer loses 10% of the trade amount. Buyer retains the rest of their security deposit.
Buyer uses unagreed innocuous payment reference that such as holiday fund, flowers without agreement - Buyer loses 5% of the trade amount. Buyer retains the rest of their security deposit.
Chargebacks should happen once the seller has released the BTC. There is no way to protect from this, except claiming to Zelle.
As I said, although chargebacks are theoretically possible, they’re almost unexistent.
I wonder if it is possible to use a debit card with the ZELLE app and then go to the debit card company after the trade to dispute to try to get money back.
This way it would be similar to a paypal friends and family credit card chargeback. I didnt know if this was possible but it seems very possible.