Huge Disparity in market price for XMR

I set up a sell XMR offer at 4% above the market price.
My offer was then accepted. The market price is around 0.0168 at the time. However the final price was 0.01509103, much lower than the current market price at any time today.

I sometimes see the displayed market price being abnormally low a few times, which is remedied by restarting the application. I suspect the person accepting my offer has the wrong displayed market price on his application. Could this be something to do with the connection with the market price provider Poloniex?

BitcoinAverage (our other price provider) had an outage this morning.
And this had effects on the prices displayed.
So your issue may well be related to that. (And Poloniex is not in cause).
Restarting the appli in such case is a good idea.
Sorry about that.

XMR price comes from Poloniex… Might be that the BitcoinAverage outage caused pricenodes to not deliver up-to-date prices. We are investigating…