I changed to a new laptop, I need help to restore

I need some help, my windows crashed and I had to do a fresh install, I need help to restore my bisq with all my prior balance, sales and accounts etc, any help will be appreciated… I have the SALT FOR BISQ AGE VERIFICATION and also the wallet date and the 12 wallet restore words. Hope that is enough to help me restore…

Hi do you have a backup of your Bisq application data?


The seed words will help get your wallet / balance back but will not restore your trade history etc. See Restoring your wallet from seed - Bisq Wiki

You can reach out for support here: Keybase

Thanks for the feedback, I restored from the seed words and got my BTC balances back but I would love to restore my trade history etc…
Is the Bisq application data stored under windows?
I might have a file named backup that I think I saved somewhere else and not under the application in windows, will that file help in anyway? The file looks like this.
Bisq-64bit-1.5.9.exe. backup the other one is Bisq-64bit-1.6.5.exe.asc.backup I think each time I updated Bisq, I saved it in my downloads folder and thats where these back up files are stored, Luckily before my laptop windows crashed, I had backed up and saved the whole downloads folder…

Hi you can see here for the default locations of where the application data is stored: Data directory - Bisq Wiki

Windows is: C:\Users<username>\AppData\Roaming\Bisq\

You access your Bisq using a backup but it is not recommended to downgrade your Bisq.

Might be worth reaching out for Keybase support

Thanks for the feedback mate…
Unfortunately if it is under windows, C:\Users\AppData\Roaming\Bisq\ then I lost this. because my laptop windows crashed before I could save this.
I only have the back up that I saved in my downloads when I was updating bisq down the months… the only person who can help on keybase is wiz, unfortunately he is set to private, he does not receive any msgs… which is really suprising… seeing as he is the only one who can assist apparently… so I wonder what to do now,

the only person who can help on keybase is wiz, unfortunately he is set to private, he does not receive any msgs… which is really suprising… seeing as he is the only one who can assist apparently… so I wonder what to do now

Have you managed to join Bisq’s Keybase?

If so you can send me a message. I am around for support.

My Keybase name is: pazza

Sounds like you might have lost your trade data though.

Hi mate, am back with more issues, 2 issues actually,
first one is my keybase app is not loading I have uninstalled and reinstalled, same issue, it doesn’t load so I couldn’t reach out to you on keybase.
The other crucial issue is bisq too isn’t loading.
I keep getting this error…

Java.io.FileNotFoundException c:\Users\user\Appdata\Roaming\Bisq\Bisq.Properties (Access Denied)

sorry for the bother once again…

Hope you have some solutions.
Thanks as always…

I also don’t have access to this file.


Can I delete this whole folder and replace it with my back up?

Now what I have done is I have created a virtual machine and installed Bisq, let me try to do a back up and see what happens mate…

Unfortunately as far as keybase is concerned, I installed it on the VM as well, and i did an account reset, I didnt know I had to wait 5 days b4 I can log into keybase on the new device… silly me…

Thanks for the message.

As far as Bisq not loading I would recommend upgrading the v1.7.1 (latest version) and see if that helps it start.

You can download here: Releases · bisq-network/bisq · GitHub

Hopefully that will solve the error you get on Bisq startup.

Now what I have done is I have created a virtual machine and installed Bisq, let me try to do a back up and see what happens mate…

You should not run two instances of the same Bisq as it will cause it to corrupt.

Unfortunately as far as keybase is concerned, I installed it on the VM as well, and i did an account reset, I didnt know I had to wait 5 days b4 I can log into keybase on the new device… silly me…

I did not know that either hope you can get it working.

let me know if the above resolves your start up issue.