I would like DIBCOIN to be listed on your exchange

Ticker symbol: DIBC
Official coin name: DIBCOIN
Official altcoin webpage where Bitsquare will be added as official exchange: PinkSheetsSCNP.com
URL of the block explorer: http://omnichest.info/lookupsp.aspx?sp=891
Example address: 1FsEA38e3XqGDLvcZ1iaYMFU8tHUQ1xnKM
Confirmation that you have checked that the ticker does not conflict with https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_421739
I confirmed that is not conflicting with any code in ISO_421739

Social media accounts: Redirecting... & twitter.com/pinksheetsSCNP

DIBCOIN will be the first cryptocurrency to be used by a public company to acquire existing profitable private companies. Sunshine Capital will use DIBCOIN as a monetary instrument, to acquire companies and assets, building its portfolio with no debt or dilution to existing shareholders. Allowing Sunshine Capital, Inc. to quickly build a stable of profitable assets.

Below you will see the PR for DIBCOIN. Sunshine Capital Inc. & DIBFunding Inc. has no problem promoting bitsquare. Once you accept our coin, we will do a PR release indicating the name of the exchange where are coin will be traded.

PR Wire- [DIB Funding, Inc. Has Created the First Cryptocurrency, 'DIBCOIN,' to be Used by Sunshine Capital, Inc. for Asset Acquisitions]