
Can you post me here how to write “Serbian” in Serbian? I need it for the language selector and java displays Russian there…

Sure :slight_smile: It is “Srpski”


One comment to translation string:
There are some cases where there are 2 single quotes in a row
offerbook.offerersBankId=Maker’'s bank ID: {0}

That is intended and needed to escape the quote when a placeholder is used in the string. Otherwise the quote would not be displayed. With 2 ‘’ it displays one quite in the UI. Nasty java property issue…


If you need italian professional translation, pm me or send me an email

Hi Carlo,

just follow the link in the first post and click on ‘Help Translate Bitsquare’. Italian has 16% done and needs some more work.

Hello Bisq world !
I’ve just registered on the forum but I’m helping with the french version for two months, nobody wants to review my work ? :cry:

cedric joined us recently, maybe he can help.
i need people to volunteer for reviewers so i can upgrade your access on transifex.

Hi Riclas,
If you want I can review

ok, i’ll upgrade you to reviewer. maybe someone else can comment after.

Great ! Thanks for the honour :wink:

Spanish translation “updated”.

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Spanish is up to date again. Looks like BSQ voting system is ready to go and the more I see the more I like about it.

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Spanish updated, waiting to see the new version!
I’ve had lots of difficulties trying to translate bond/bonded/bonding. I need other spanish to provide ideas, maybe it’s because I’m not yet familiar about how the DAO will work.
I’d like to alert to the spanish software users who could be bonding funds on Bisq to keep caution because there could be some big mistakes on the translation.

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Bond is like a security deposit.

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Hi there! Any chance I can get my Transifex account upgraded to Reviewer? I’ve spotten some nasty mistakes in the Russian translation and would like to fix them.

@arunasurya is in charge of Transifex now I think. (ping).

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You can also request this in Slack at #transifex channel.

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I will reach out to you on transifex shortly. Thanks for noticing the mistakes!

I have taken over the role of the transifex admin from Christoph. Feel free to get in touch with me directly on slack or on #transifex channel. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Dear fellow translators and reviewers,

We have put together documentation to help you with your work: It should be available on the Bisq github site some time in May.

Please take a look at the Translator Documentation to learn about current core languages and how they were chosen as well how to submit a compensation request. In the Translation Guidelines, you can learn about review process and language quality assurance, among other things.

Feel free to send a pull request with your suggestions and to post any questions/thoughts here on the #transifex Slack channel!

Also, we are going to start translating the Bisq website. Here is more info:

If anyone is interested in joining the project, join us on #transifex Slack channel!

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