Can senior Python3 developers be added to this thread because developing in Python3 is much easier than in Java Bisq is looking for Senior Java Developers
I am not a developer so I can’t tell, but I don’t think that changing the language of a whole project is a realistic expectation.
The offer looked for Java developers with experience because that’s what is needed for the project.
Besides being realistic, it already exists, a Bisq Light Client is currently being developed in Python: GitHub - thecockatiel/bisq_light_client
Find out more here: Bisq Light Client Initiative Project
It’s a fork. It’s not related to Bisq.
I can’t agree with you on this one. It’s actually directly related to Bisq and its community.
Bisq Light Client’s main dev, thecockatiel (thecockatiel · GitHub) is even in the official Bisq’s contributors list, given that the work he did on Bisq Light Client resulted into fixing bugs in Bisq, as you can see here: Release v1.9.19 · bisq-network/bisq · GitHub
In my humble opinion, the whole Bisq community has no interest in ignoring this project, on the contrary, it’s moving in the right direction and working for the collective interest.