Ladies and Gents! Just put out a promo video explaining Bitsquare to the world

Please share it or upvote etc!

I’ve put it everywhere. Twitter, facebook groups and reddit. Going for ycombinator now.

Thank you. :slight_smile:

1 Like

It appears that you forgot to tag it #bitsquare

I upvoted you nevertheless, but do fix the tag to make it all easier to find.

And check my recent blog posts, quite a few are about bitsquare … i’ve been trying my best to turn steem users on to the possibilities, with, I sadly say, very little success so far.

Friday I will continue my tutorial series, if everything goes according to plan.

oh cool! didnt know it had a tag. ok thanks!

Hey, nice video, handsome man. I think you do well as a front man to bring young cute girls to Bitsquare Land? FYI, this is my signature clip in YouTube demoing the power of Bitcoin between Singapore and Japan via Skype. We need non-tech, non-geek people in Bitsquare Land!! Peace.


Lol. Let us hope!

Indeed, that’s my goal and strategy to demistify these topics. No need to use such academic terms, when they can be explained with simple laymen language. :slight_smile:

Nice video! which one are you?

Looks like a fun time. :slight_smile:

thanks. I am in the middle, you know. let’s rock the world with Bitsquare!