2019-02-27 19:12:49.478 Bisq[495:10862] /Applications/Bisq.app/Contents/MacOS/libpackager.dylib not found.
^^ how can I get rid of the message above, please?
I installed bisq on an older laptop and started it. Nothing happened.
I’ve been using it on another computer, upgraded to 0.9.4 there recently and it just works (I knew what to expect or how bisq looks like; I can tell when it’s not running or did not start at all, been using it since 2016). I just wanted another instance up & running that might stay online when the main computer can’t be on & online
Do you have any specific tips what to check? Like a log file p.ex. I can provide you with all kind of feedback, just let me know what to check/do
The two computers are in the same network, behind the same public IP if that’s what you want to know. Tor is running fine on the machine despite another tor instance being present in the local network.
Do you want another instance with the same Bisq account ?
Not necessarily, since I have no open trades I don’t mind leaving history behind and start a new account. The key point is “to start” - back to my issue, the computer nr 2 does not start the bisq software. should I try a workaround? download an older version and upgrade from there? is the 0.9.4 fully qualified release that should work on it’s own?
once it runs I will decide what account to use.
When you try “to start”, is the already existing Bisq instance running ?
would you mind clarify how you understand “I installed bisq on an older laptop and started it. Nothing happened.”? does it need to be more specific? less specific? would you like to see a screenshot (of what exactly?)
if bisq would be running i would not be entertaining this forum thread.
but to answer your question, unless bisq starts in the background when computer is turned on, no bisq instance was running when i try to start it. neither does it start when the app is launched (in folder /Applications double click on the bisq app). there is no bisq app window opening, no start-up progress is shown and it definitely cannot be found among running processes.
I would say it’s pinning for the fjords but that would assume it was running before which is not the case on this computer.
Sorry, I was too short and imprecise in my previous post.
I meant:
When you try “to start” Bisq on computer A (behind IP C),
is the existing Bisq instance already running on the other computer B (also behind IP C) ?
I’m on the forum since several months, and I’ve seen quite a number of exotic configurations.
(which often lead to exotic issues).
thaks for the clarification, nope. the first bisq instance is not present in the network. the bisq on pc2 does not start.
Do you have any specific tips what to check? Like a log file p.ex. that might include the reason why it does not start …
nevermind, I figured out how to find out more. check OP for more details
reinstalling bisq did not solve. probably system anomalies. It’s been updated a lot but never reinstalled from scratch and has leftovers of several dev environments that I tried or used in the past 7(?) years. I can see the file on disk, it exists, permissions and size wise looks normal; it just doesn’t work