Limitations & Process of Large XMR Transfers

Is there a maximum limit for the amount of XMR that can be transferred to Bisq in a single transaction?
For example, if I want to move a large amount like 100 billion worth of XMR, can I do it all at once, or do I need to split it into smaller transactions?
Additionally, are there any restrictions on how much XMR Bisq can accept or process in a single trade?

There is a limit per trade (currently 0.5 btc), but you can do as much trades as you need.

Bisq does not accept or process a single trade, as noone from Bisq does touch users funds and you will be trading with another Bisq trader. In case of arbitration for large trades (if your peer is missing or something else that can’t be solved in mediation.) there may be liquidity issues.