Coin Name: Bitmxittz
Coin trading symbol: BMXT
max. supply: 10,000 coins
Algorithm: Scrypt PoW/PoS 0%
Logo: visit bitcointalk thread for link
Github Link:
Original Launch Date: June 30, 2017, 05:15:59 PM
Block chain explorer: visit bitcointalk thread for link
Mining pool: N/A
Website: visit bitcointalk thread for link
About: Bitmxittz was launched on BTC Talk on June 30, 2017, 05:15:59 PM (UTC). Bitmxittz has small and fast blocks (standard 1MB blocks are 60 seconds apart). This allows quick network propagation while allowing transaction volume to scale to a much larger level than Bitcoin, and allows even the smallest miner to compete.
PR stands for pull request not Public Relations people.
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