Listing Pesetacoin


We would like to see Pesetacoin listed.

Pesetacoin’s main objective is to be the day a day currency for the spaniards. We have just launched the merchant map and our objective it have more real adoption than bitcoin in Spain.

Peseta was the previous currency we had before the euro and that’s why a lot of people wants to see it back in their lifes.

We are already listed in Bittrex, Cryptopia, Litebit and other 3 exchanges. In Litebit people can buy Pesetas with €. We’ve been asked by our community to get listed in Binance and we think is a great idea.

Hope you like Peseta too.

I attached our objectives and roadmap for 2018-2020

Kind Regards

Pesetacoin Team


Please see this document for steps and requirements on adding your token to Bisq