Locked funds after failed trade

Mediator writes: “we will need to cancel this trade. Please provide your bisq logs related to this issue”

I did it.

Then mediator writes:
"Mediator node address: sjlho4zwp3gecspf.onion:9999
Summary notes:
delayed payout tx is null


Next steps:
Open trade and accept or reject suggestion from mediator"

But I didn´t get any suggestion and the mediator hasn’t responded in two days. What should I do to get back my locked funds?

You’ll want to accept that suggestion. The trade failed to broadcast and therefore no funds were locked!

It’s essentially a failed trade. You will only lose your fees which you can have reimbursed by opening an issue here:

Thank you for your advise! I moved it to the failed trades and I can’t see any locked funds now (when it was an open trade I could really see locked funds in bisq related to this trade which is strange). The problem now is that I get this warning few times a day and every time I start bisq:

Is it just a bug then?

Okay it seems like the trade failed but the deposit did broadcast! Can you DM me that deposit Id please.

Hi, I have the same experience - it happened today. I can´t open support tickets from failed trade (alt+o).

Did You solve it?

You should go to Keybase, I think that the only way to move this funds is with a manual payout with mediator’s help. https://bisq.wiki/Find_your_mediator

It’s an ongoing issue (together with my two other similar issues on four different channels: bisq, bisq community, github and keybase so my advice: be patient…)

On an other similar issue I got referred to this template by my mediator on Keybase: https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues/new/choose

That’s to reimburse fees, or when the deposit tx has been sent to DAO donation address and arbitrator won’t pay for it because is too small and DAO has to reimburse.
This case looks different: judging from the picture, you have funds stuck into a deposit transaction due to a bug, and a mediator might help with a manual payout.

Thanks all. I´ll try to contact mediator I´ve found him out from json record and from bisq.wiki page (https://bisq.wiki/Finding_your_mediator). I hope he would help me - 0,006 BTC is not peanuts to throw it out.
Thanks again

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