I open a trade for BTC->XMR and someone takes my trade.
The transaction ID is not listed on the bitcoin network and the trade times out and I get refunded after a few days. How can I solve this? Its not even about adding a higher fee, Bisq is not transmitting the transaction to the blockchain when the trade is started.
I guess I had too many transactions on my seed, I deleted my roaming folder and made a new seed and its working again. Hopefully I don’t have to do this every time I have a lot of transactions.
It seems the wallet db file got corrupted. Best is if you start over with a new data directory and transfer the funds over there. I would not recommend to just restore from seed words.
I don’t think it is related to the release as we did not get other bug reports in that direction and it is a longer known issue that the wallet db file can get out of sync and on the TODO list to get fixed.