Maker fee higher than taker fee

Is there any reason why maker fees are higher than taker fees?

I’m just wondering if this has been implemented for a technical reason as from a logical point of view it doesn’t really make any sense.

Maker fees are actually mainly here as an antispam measure.

But yes, other antispam measure(s) could perhaps be possible (timers etc).

It’s kind of a delicate question.
When a seemingly good equilibrium is reached, better act cautiously.

Btw, if I’m not wrong, for an average offer, the maker fee is lower than the taker fee. Not higher.

The maker fee is higher which discourages a thick offer book.
A lowering of the maker fee would promote a thicker book and increase the liquidity IMO.

I also think a cut in fees on both sides would be good for Bisq but thats another issue.

The fees are the same if the maker uses a 1% price. The maker fee depends on the price the maker sets. The lower the price the lower the fee. Its the square root of the % distance, so 9% distance to market price is 3 times higher fee. The taker has always the same fixed fee only depending on the trade amount.
The taker though has to pay both 3 times the miner fee (taker fee tx, deposit tx and payout tx). The maker only pays the miner fee for the maker fee tx. That is because the tx fee need to be included in the lcoked up funds in the deposit tx and fee estimation is required to get the best fee. The maker cannot know when his offer is taken and what would be the at that moment the right miner fee.

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